Starting out

Today was pretty successful. I kept to my desired dietary restrictions for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Yahoo! After dinner, though, I allowed myself to have too much dessert (a friend came by with a holiday plate of cookies and goodies). I noticed this consciously after a while (I was going to write "too long" but changed it because I'm also trying to be gentle with myself on this journey). Instead, I started to munch a few pomegranate seeds at a time (one of my favorite natural treats). I was succesful in staying away from the goodies for the rest of the evening. Yahoo again! Total calorie intake for the day was, although more than I had planned, still substantially less than yesterday and my daily average for some time. Overall, a good start.

Next steps:
* Daily blog entry
* Calorie intake journal (calorielookup.com)
* Daily weight record (hacker's diet)
* Join forum (maybe at calorielookup, maybe at hacker's diet, maybe at google)

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