Pass It On Project, part 1

I just found out about a really heart-warming project via those handy folks at One Project Closer, the Better Half, a blog I read for DIY inspirations.

The Pass It On Project was originally started by Karah at The Space Between.  I don't read Karah's blog, but I loved her idea of sending a small handmade thank-you to the bloggers I really appreciate.  I am beginning with the easiest one, by giving a jar of strawberry jam to Sonya terBorg, the inspirational 5th grade teacher I have been blessed to work with for the past year here at Riverstone International School.

I look forward to reading her posts every time and had to stop starring her entries in my blog reader because there are just too many good ones.  :-)  One example is Reasons You Haven’t “Made It”, How To Keep Going, and Why You Are Enough - this introduced me to an author I never knew whose books make me cry and feel joy in the same way Shel Silverstine's The Giver has since I was 8.  What a gift.

Thanks, Sonya!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matthew,

    I'm glad you found the Pass It on Project and are able to start your own! That's awesome. We were pretty excited when Karah floated the idea past us too. Anyway, thanks for reading OPC.
